The Delhi "Gang-Rape case" ,shook the whole nation and somewhere touched every Indian. I don't know who the girl was; Nirbhaya, Vedanta, Damini, Aamanat whoever she was, but somewhere she is connected to me, to every girl here. She is now taken as India's daughter, sister and what not. The incident jolted citizens conscience.
After Damini's rape case, 21 rape cases took place all over India in just 16 days. Isn't it shameful ?? The nation which talks about Women Empowerment and gives "Barabar ka hakk" to women are facing such shameful cases. Who will protest for them??
Protesting for such a cause is good, but don't forget what the "cause" is for. Changing profile pictures or lighting a candle will not help. Change yourself! It's not about one woman, it's about all those women who go through such horrific situations. Stand for them too! Damini binded the whole nation together. Now make the bond as strong as you can.
"Ab uski maut ko waste na jane do."

Take the reason of her death seriously and kill all those demons of the nation who are desecrating our society, who are continuously profaning our women. Make India a safe nation to breathe. Don't put restriction and barriers on women, instead put chains on your rotten thinking. Government must bring unrivaled protection for women. This is not the first time or last time we are listening such stories, most stories are left untold.The 24,000-odd who were raped and devastated both physically and mentally last year alone too were a daughter, a sister or wife to someone. Protection of women should be now vital duty of the nation. Damini's plight had led to a demand greater protection from sexual violence that impacts thousand of women daily in India. Police must arrest accused, irrespective of who he is and his connection. And the judiciary must fast track every rape case for speedy justice to the victim.
Our cities will be safer when we acknowledge women as citizens. In the first place all the common people must take a pledge on what they can do individually in making our cities and towns safer. Pledge your role in making your city safe. First change yourself, then only you can change your society. We need to fix the system, neither the government nor the police are taking any steps in improving the situations. India demands change, and the change is in your hand.
Since 16th December she is the prime attention of the whole nation. She was truly a fighter, and fought the grimmest battle of her life. The pain, the torture given by the 6 incubus, she tried to overcome it. She wanted to live, but she couldn't. And another story comes to an end!
But this does not end here...
Hanged till death, chemical castration, beaten by stone, make them go through the same torture she went through are the toughest punishment demanded by the protester for the demons. Anyhow these criminals will go through some or the other punishment. But what about the other malignant spirits sitting behind the curtains?? Were they arrested and tried in a court law for extreme depravity and outgoing the modesty of the women?? What about these ill-fated women who have gone through the same pain but nobody raised their voices for them??
Who will punish them?? Who will give insaaf to these victims??

Cry India! Your hand is drenched with the blood of your daughter.
Protesting for such a cause is good, but don't forget what the "cause" is for. Changing profile pictures or lighting a candle will not help. Change yourself! It's not about one woman, it's about all those women who go through such horrific situations. Stand for them too! Damini binded the whole nation together. Now make the bond as strong as you can.
"Ab uski maut ko waste na jane do."

Take the reason of her death seriously and kill all those demons of the nation who are desecrating our society, who are continuously profaning our women. Make India a safe nation to breathe. Don't put restriction and barriers on women, instead put chains on your rotten thinking. Government must bring unrivaled protection for women. This is not the first time or last time we are listening such stories, most stories are left untold.The 24,000-odd who were raped and devastated both physically and mentally last year alone too were a daughter, a sister or wife to someone. Protection of women should be now vital duty of the nation. Damini's plight had led to a demand greater protection from sexual violence that impacts thousand of women daily in India. Police must arrest accused, irrespective of who he is and his connection. And the judiciary must fast track every rape case for speedy justice to the victim.
Our cities will be safer when we acknowledge women as citizens. In the first place all the common people must take a pledge on what they can do individually in making our cities and towns safer. Pledge your role in making your city safe. First change yourself, then only you can change your society. We need to fix the system, neither the government nor the police are taking any steps in improving the situations. India demands change, and the change is in your hand.