Sunday, February 24, 2013

I want them all-1

As people say "Sunday-Funday" , but I don't see any speciality in Sunday except I can only sleep a few hours more. That is because when you have parents, who are working for six days like a pig, they just want Sunday to spend at home, watching "THE CHATTER BOX" & Sleeping.

So, basically what I did today is I randomly went through the Facebook pages where I saw "Pretty Girly junks." They all were so cute. It was tempting. I just couldn't resist myself, I wanted them all. <3 nbsp="">

So, I thought to share it with all those girls who visit my blog and give a treat to their eyes. :P 

So girls e-xclusively for all of you. *Wink-Wink*

A girl should be two things Classy & Fabulous.  - Coco Chanel

Dresses that make you just like WoWW....

Unique and Awesome Necklaces.

Incomplete without My big Cool Funky Rings.

Love to wear them.

I don't know who invented H i g h h e e l s, But all women owe him a lot. 
- Marilyn Monroe 

They are just my favorite, and I own a lot of them and they are just always Adorable.

Always Comfortable and Adorable. <3 nbsp="">

As said in the movie, "Confession of a Shopaholic", "Because when I shop, the world gets better." :D

I wish I own them all, one day. :) 

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